The following is a list of frequently requested telephone numbers. If you can't find what you are looking for, please call Stony Brook Southampton Hospital's main switchboard at (631) 726-8200. For patient names and room numbers, please contact the main switchboard for further assistance.
Click here to find a medical directory of all Stony Brook Medicine providers on the East End that are Spanish speaking. Included in this list are the main point-persons within Stony Brook Southampton Hospital that may act as Spanish speaking translators.
Department | Phone Number |
Main Number (Switchboard & Patient Information) | (631) 726-8200 |
Administration | (631) 726-8555 |
Breast Center (Appointments) | (631) 726-8285 |
Breast Center (Information) | (631) 726-8466 |
CardioPulmonary Rehabilitation | (631) 726-8620 |
Case Management | (631) 726-8335 |
Central Scheduling | (631) 396-6400 |
Communications/Marketing/Community Outreach | (631) 726-8700 |
Complaints | (631) 726-3171 |
Cultural Diversity (Interpreting) | (631) 726-8331 |
Customer Service | (631) 396-6400 |
Diabetes Counseling | (631) 726-8800 |
Dialysis Center (Hampton Bays) | (631) 723-4200 |
Directions | (631) 726-8200 |
Discharge Planning | (631) 726-8355 |
EKG/EEG/ECHO | (631) 726-8566 |
Edie Windsor Healthcare Center | (631) 287-5990 |
Emergency Department | (631) 726-8420 |
Environmental Services | (631) 726-8207 |
Foundation/Development | (631) 726-8700 |
Health Information Management (Medical Records) | (631) 726-8310 |
Heart & Stroke Center | (631) 726-8200 |
HIV/AIDS Care & Testing | (631) 287-5990 |
Human Resources | (631) 726-0400 |
Interpreter | (631) 727-8331 |
Interpreter Cell: Mon-Fri 7 am to 3 pm | (631) 461-5918 |
Joint Commission | (631) 792-5000 |
Laboratory (Amagansett) | (631) 527-5117 |
Laboratory (East Hampton)
(631) 329-8630 |
Laboratory (Hampton Bays) | (631) 723-3682 |
Laboratory-Main at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital) | 631) 726-8250 |
Laboratory (Stony Brook Southampton Hospital -First Floor) | |
Laboratory (Westhampton Beach) | (631) 405-3300 |
Laboratory South/Annex (Southampton)
(631) 377-3475 |
Massage Therapy (Hampton Bays) | |
Massage Therapy (Stony Brook Southampton Hospital) | (631) 726-8800 |
Massage Therapy (Westhampton Beach) | (631) 288-7767 |
Maternity Center (Nurses Station) | |
Nursing Administration | (631) 726-8320 |
Nutritional Services | (631) 726-8230 |
Palliative Care | (631) 726-3200 |
Patient Access (Admitting) | |
Patient Advocate | (631) 726-3167 |
Patient Financial Services | (631) 723-2160 |
The Phillips Family Cancer Center | (631) 638-7400 |
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation (Stony Brook Southampton Hospital) | (631) 726-8520 |
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation (Westhampton Beach) | (631) 288-7767 |
Physician Referral | (631) 726-8383 |
Prenatal Care (Greenport) | (631) 477-1871 |
Primary Care & Family Medicine (Westhampton Beach) | (631) 288-7746 |
Radiology (East Hampton) | (631) 329-8543 |
Radiology & Imaging (Hampton Bays) | (631) 723-1232 |
Radiology & Imaging (Stony Brook Southampton Hospital) | (631) 726-8411 |
Radiology & Imaging (Westhampton Beach) | (631) 405-3300 |
Regional Tick-Borne Disease Resource Center | (631) 726-TICK |
Respiratory Therapy | (631) 726-8642 |
Safety & Security | (631) 726-8378 |
Shinnecock Health Clinic | (631) 287-6474 |
Social Work | (631) 726-3167 |
Surgeon Referral | (631) 726-8383 |
Surgical Scheduling | (631) 726-8282 |
Thrift Shop | (631) 204-0526 |
Volunteer Services | (631) 726-8336 |
Weight Loss/Bariatric Surgery | (631) 444-2274 |
Wellness Institute (Hampton Bays) | (631) 728-9355 |
Wellness Institute (Stony Brook Southampton Hospital) | (631) 726-8800 |
Westhampton Primary Care | (631) 288-7746 |
Wound Care & Healing | (631) 726-8444 |