Dress in Blue Day Raises Awareness of Preventative Screening for Colon Cancer

Southampton, NY—Please join Southampton Hospital employees in wearing blue on March 7 to raise awareness of National Dress in Blue Day and colon cancer. Though preventable, colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S. for both men and women. This is a beatable cancer if detected early during routine screening. Talk to your doctor about your risk for colon cancer and encourage family members and friends to do the same. To find a physician, click here or call (631) 726-8362.  

Gastrointerology team

(l. to r., back row) Sharon Bivins, Endoscopy Technician; Peg Pugsley, LPN; Babak Maharlouei, MD, Anesthesia; Sharon Wicks, RN; Steve Georgopoulos, MD, Gastroenterology; Sue Bonn, RN, CGRN, Endoscopy Clinical Coordinator; (l. to r., front row) Geri Karch, RN; Eleanor Bratter, RN; and Kathy Goss, RN. Missing from photo: Kris Naso, DO, Gastroenterologist  and Ryan Lovett, CST