Southampton Hospital Urges Staff and Visitors to 'Rethink Your Drink'

Southampton, NY—Obesity-related health issues are a national concern and Southampton Hospital is taking a significant step by participating in “Rethink Your Drink @ Work,” a program funded by the New York State Department of Health - Healthy Heart Program. This grant has helped to develop the free wellness program available to worksites in Suffolk County, which is administered by Gemma Saylor, Registered Dietician and Program Director.  

The core mission of the program is to promote the consumption of healthy beverages such as water, seltzer water, low-fat and non-fat milk, and unsweetened teas and coffees, instead of soda and other sugary drinks in the workplace.  Guidance from its registered dieticians and vending machine supplier has enabled Southampton Hospital to introduce healthier options in vending machines and at its Meeting House Café on the Hospital’s lower level, with the goal of creating a healthier environment.  Staff and visitors can expect to find an increased variety of healthier beverages such as flavored seltzers, unsweetened teas, 100% juices, and low-calorie drinks.  

Studies show that Americans consume about 100 lbs. of sweeteners per person annually.  Researchers have documented the adverse effect our “sweet tooth” is having on our health, including weight gain leading to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and an increased risk of heart disease and gout.  “Research shows that sugary drinks are the single biggest contributor to the nation’s obesity epidemic and a recent study demonstrates that just one can a day can increase the risk of diabetes by 20%,” said Ms. Saylor. “The goal of our program is to educate employees on how these beverages can hurt us, and to help worksites throughout Suffolk County make the healthy choice the easy choice.”