Fitness Classes

Please see below for brief descriptions of classes offered virtually (V) and in person at our Southampton (SH) and Hampton Bays (HB) locations.


Arms Back & Core

Bone Strengthening and Mobility

 Strengthen your muscles and bones and increase your mobility with weight bearing exercises, dumbbells, and resistance bands. All Fitness levels welcome. (HB/V)

Back Care

Back Care

Incorporates Yoga and Pilates to assist with strengthening back muscles that support the spine to improve body posture, body mechanics and alignment, while reducing stress and tension that can accompany pain. (SH/V)

Ballet Barre

Ballet Barre

Founded on the technique of dance, the mind-body aspect of Yoga, and the precision and core integration of Pilates. Ballet Barre produces lengthening and chiseling results fast using small, isolated holds with ting movements and mental connection. (HB/V)

Body Sculpt


This class consists of a consecutive series of timed exercises performed one after the other with varying amounts of rest between each exercise. A combination of strength, cardio, and stretch will be used to achieve a full body workout.


Resistance Band Training

This strength training class uses resistance bands for a full body workout that increases mobility while minimizing stress on the joints.

Core and Tone

Core & Tone

Focuses on the body as a whole to increase flexibility, strength, balance, and agility. Your body will turn into a power house as you strengthen your body, improve your mental well being, and achieve a fuller range of motion.  (HB/V)

Fit Camp

Abs and Booty Blast

Sculpt, tone and strengthen your glutes and core muscles with a series of exercises that specifically target these areas. By strengthening these areas you'll improve posture, balance and reduce the risk of injury.

Functionally Fit

Functionally Fit

Works and lengthens all muscle groups by combining aerobic exercise, strength training, and stetching. Achieve a healthier you by warming up, cooling down, stretching, and training during this exciting and invigorating fitness class. (SH/V)

Interval Training

Interval Training

A total body, heart-pumping, aerobic and strength conditioning workout. This interval-based class combines full-body strength training with cardio bursts to tone your body, improve your endurance, and clear your mind before a busy day begins. Modifications for all fitness levels are provided. (HB/V)



A form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This class helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. Similar to Yoga, Pilates concentrates on posture, balances and flexibility .(HB/V)

Level 1 Yoga

Level 1: Yoga

Consists of breath work, guided meditation and basic postures (with modifications based on the student’s ability). Level 1 Yoga is suitable for beginners as well as special populations. (SH/V)


Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga

A great way for those with limited mobility to reap all the benefits of yoga in a safe environment. Most positions are performed in a chair, and those who are able to stand can perform modified standing poses using a chair for balance. (SH/V)



A form of suspension training that uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user's body weight to complete the exercises. (HB)

Tai Chi

Tai Chi

A mind/body, self-healing system that uses movement, meditation, and breathing to improve balance, health, and well-being.




Please see below for brief descriptions of workshops offered virtually and in person at our Southampton location.


Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

Certified hypnotist Albert O’Connell will help you harness the power of your subconscious mind to reduce cravings in our monthly group weight loss program. Albert has over 30 years of experience in helping people overcome emotional, psychological, and physical obstacles that hinder their goals. Group sessions are capped at 10 participants per group.

Hypnosis for Weightloss

Hypnosis for Weightloss

Certified hypnotist Albert O’Connell will help participants attain and maintain their desired weight permanently in our monthly group weight loss program. Albert has over 30 years of experience in helping people overcome emotional, psychological, and physical obstacles that hinder their goals. Group sessions are capped at 10 participants per group. 


Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine

Food sustains us, nourishes us, and can help heal us. Join us each month for tips on how to eat better to increase your energy, improve your mood, and feel great. This nutritional class will include healthy and delicious food demos to help reduce inflammation and heal the body and the mind. Class is led by Paula Montagna MS, RD, CDN.


Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday

Tap into your true potential with licensed clinical social worker and certified hypnotist, Albert O’Connell III in this monthly meditation workshop. Rotating topics include tension meltdown, breathe away stress, living in the moment, letting go of negative perceptions, the power of positive thinking, and more.


Womens Pelvic Floor

Womens Pelvic Floor Series

This gentle restorative program focuses on breathing techniques, spinal alignment, stabilization and appropriate range of motion exercises to engage the pelvic floor.


6-Week Zumba Series

Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. Join Oscar Gonzolez for this 6- week series, that will leave you fully energized and feeling great.